Monday, November 03, 2008

This was Laura in 9th grade, que triste....

If any of you are wondering what I was like in 9th grade, this was a character sketch done of me 2 years ago :) It was done by the bonita Nicpandole, thanks for making me sound better then I am :)

"At first glance, the short, blonde-haired, blue-eyed 15 year old seems to be an ordinary, normal teenager. But after five minutes, you know that her appearance is deceiving. She is a very good friend, and smart, but she is also very mischievous and funny. Although my friend Lars seems quiet and calm at first, she is actually a very loud and outgoing person.

Sometimes Lars is very mischievous, which occasionally leads to “play” violence. One time after school, Lars and I were walking through the dim hallways, when I stopped to take a drink from the water fountain. After fulfilling my thirst, I caught a little water in my hand and threw it at her. She merely ducked, and bent over to get herself a drink. Not thinking much of my action, I continued down the hall. Then suddenly there was Lars, looking like a mad bull, and bellowing towards me.
“DON’T YOU EVER THROW WATER AT ME AGAIN!!!” she screeched, and then she jumped, tackling me onto the ground, where we rolled several feet as I tried to pull her off of me.
“Sorry! It was just a little water!” I exclaimed loudly. But afterwards she would threaten to tackle me every time I annoyed her. Lars’s mischief sometimes affects people she doesn’t even know. Lars considered tripping and tackling people fun. So she did it quite often. Another time Lars saw one of her other friends down the hall, so she yelled “Liana Grant!” and darted after the girl, and tripped her. But when she looked down upon the girl she tripped, Lars realized it wasn’t Liana, but instead some poor, harmless 7th grader who had the misfortune to look like Liana from the back. Lars’s mischief can sometimes turn out very hilarious though.

Lars loves to tell jokes, and loves to just have a laugh. Sometimes, she does things that you wouldn’t expect teenagers her age to do. For example, Lars also loves to dissect at lunch time. She would “pretend” to be doing some type of a surgery.
“First you need a clean surface.” Here she would lay a napkin down on the table. “Then, put your patient on it. Then, hold your patient still!” Saying these last words, Lars would place an orange fiercely on top of the napkin, and stab it with a fork. Then she would slowly carve a face into the orange, including a large mouth. Afterwards she would stuff her pizza inside the orange, and then have the “patient” throw it back up. Pretty soon, she would have our entire table clutching their sides with laughter. At times when oranges weren’t available, Lars would use music combined with food to amuse herself and everyone else around her. Taking those little goldfish crackers, she drew faces on them, and called them “Troy” and “Gabriella”, and then starts belting High School Musical songs while wiggling the goldfish and making them dance.

She also LOVES to make fun of people. One time Lars saw the Vice Principal talking with Mrs. Wallace.
Chuckling to herself, she chortles, “Ooooh! I see a connection!” When we see who she is laughing at, we start cracking up too.
But then other people begin to ask, “Who? Who?” because they hadn’t seen who Lars had meant.
So she repeats her phrase, “I see a connection!” and we look over at the Vice Principal again, and instead of him with Mrs. Wallace, he is standing with the other Vice Principal. This of course, even brings more hilarity to the occasion. Lars is such a fun person to be around. She seems like a quiet, smart girl at first impressions, but she is actually very gregarious and fun.

Lars Eyring is a very good friend, smart, and sweet. Sometimes she gets very mischievous and ends up startling people. Lars is very funny with her random actions, and her frequent outbursts. Overall, I think Lars Eyring is one of the most interesting and fascinating people I know, or probably ever will."


Alina said...

HAHAHA, that sounds like you!

Starchild28 said...

A perfect description of Laura! hahaha I love it how she called you mischievious its so true!

Panda Girl said...

bahahahahah :D
I forgot I wrote that.