Sunday, May 27, 2007

Nighttime Tylenol

So while on the bus back from USU I started feeling really sick. Not throw up sick, but just headache and lots of stuff. I crashed when I got home and didn’t wake up until midnight. That’s when I watched infomercials until I feel asleep again. That morning I felt fine except for a sore throat and a headache. So I decided a little Tylenol could do the trick. I took the box of tylenol and chocked and gagged on the disgusting little things while they traveled down my throat. I then looked at the box to see if I had took the right amount when I noticed a little moon on the box, representing that the Tylenol I had taken was Nighttime Tylenol. And this particular Tylenol was made to help you go to sleep. I most have already been drowsy because I decided to go to school anyway. Before school I yawned constantly and thought how weird it was for me to be tired since I had slept all day and night. Then in Seminary I put my head on my desk and the rest I don’t know. I don’t know, because I was dead asleep. The kid in front of me pocked me when the bell rang when the class ended. I dragged my feet to Mrs. $’s class and basically collapsed on my desk and slept through some of the class. Then while in band I never quite fell asleep but once in na while I just laid down my head and closed my eyes. Then in Spanish, which is a boring class already, I fell asleep again, and woke up by myself after about 30 minutes. Then when I woke up I was kind of confused on where I was and stuff, but realized that my headache and sour throat was gone. That’s when the medicine wore off and I stayed awake for the rest of the school day. Then that night I tried to go to sleep, but it was basically impossible with all the sleep I had gotten that day, and the day before that. I ended up watching t.v. until about 2 am, then finally found myself tired enough to get a few hours of sleep. All because the stupid label on the Tylenol box wasn’t clear. I’m thinking about suing. Does anyone know a good lawyer?

1 comment:

Panda Girl said...

I remeber that! It's funny but then kinda sad. You should still post!!!