Once every four years, people who are 18 years or older are given the privilege to vote for the upcoming president. This process of voting was made for the citizens of America to have a say in what happens in our country, and who we want to lead it. So why don’t we? The age of voting should be lowered to 16. This needs to be put in action it can prepare us to vote when we’re older, and we’re just as smart as some of the idiots voting. And we should have a say on what goes on in our country.
The first reason I will state is because it will get us interested and prepared. I remember many days of learning how to drive on the roads, to prepare for something like this I could read as many books as I wanted, but none of them would prepare me efficiently enough for the driving experience. Like voting, we need to vote to learn how, and to learn the importance of it. It will also raise the importance to us and to many other people. And it will also make us interested, and not only to us but also it will make the politicians interested in what we have to say. Since they need everybody's vote, they would have to respect our desires that we want. With all these young adults voting we will become aware and alert of this country’s politics, and so then when we will become smart voters.
The second why I think voting should lower to the age of 16 is that Teenage just as smart, or even more then other people voting. In the Kennedy verses Nixon election a poll was taken for why they did vote for Kennedy when he won against Nixon. 10% of woman voted that they voted for Kennedy because he was hotter than Nixon. Other then disturbing, this fact proves that young adults should be able to vote. Also I can remember distinctly watching the Jay Leno show one night, they got adults in there 30’s to come and talk about the U.S.A. Some adults couldn’t even remember who the vice-president was. We let these men and women vote, but yet young adults can’t vote. A lot of adults have teens and sometimes doubt their intelligence, and this is what many people argue. But many 40 year olds don’t have much intelligence either, and these young adults are also taking history classes in school, and are learning about the politics and such. Also they think that sense these teens are to small and not well enough educated they will make wrong decisions. But the truth is that there is no wrong votes. When voting between presidents there is no choices that are correct or wrong. Republicans think it was wrong when Clinton was elected in 1996. And Democrats think it was wrong when Bush was elected in 2004. You can go in blind to these polls and you will still make a right decision to someone. But what you vote for could effect your future.
My final reason is because as Americans we deserve the right to vote. We, as teens, should have a say in our future. In reality most teenagers have jobs and earning money like many other hardworking Americans. And just like all the other American they have to pay there taxes. Not many American are aware of the many dollars in debt we are in. Currently we are over 8 trillion dollars in debt. And it rises and a very dangerous, and frightening rate. The way this country is going is that they are basically spending in our money. Why do they care in 40 years when they’re dead when we’re the ones dealing with there financial problems. We should be able to vote so we can have a say where this money is going, and how it is spent. A long time ago there was a war, that was fought for the freedom of having a right to have a say when you were following the law. This was the revolutionary war, where people fought and gave there lives so they would have a say in when they were following the law. Today this is what many teens are trying to do, get the rights that they deserve. With the rule today that you have to be 18 or older, and 16 year olds aren’t allowed, when the presidents term is over this 16 year old will be 20 and will be a adult with a president over him, that he had no say in. We should have a say in what’s going to impact us because we are law abiding citizens and should be given the right to vote.
The age limit for voting should be lowered to the age of 16. Because it will get them excited and ready for the world of voting, and politics. And that they are just as intelligent as some 30 year old voters. And we should have a say in our future, and what will happen with our country. Young adults should be able to vote for “our” president.
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